Saturday, August 12, 2006

Pandora's Box

I found Pandora's Box in my attic last week. Having reduced a bit lately, I've been shopping my attic for clothes that fit (as well as several local department stores; have you heard the scream of anguish from my bank account?) I came across a box packed several years ago marked, "small clothes." All things being relative, most women will recognize that the clothes we called small several years ago would qualify as absolutely miniscule today.

I actually let the box sit out for a couple of days, and I thought I had decided to return it to the attic unopened. I should have known better than to tear the packing tape off of it, but what would the world be like if Pandora had been a woman of good sense? I proceeded. What was inside? Rare treasure, indeed!

1)Tiny little chinos from the late 80's, with tapered legs and high pleated waistlines. Bought at The Limited. Black and khaki.

2)Two knit dresses barely big enough to fit my Charmin Chatty doll (I still have her, though she's in terrible condition). One green and slinky, one black and white striped above an empire waist, and black below the waistline. Both with the obligatory padded shoulders of the 80's. The black dress has two gold buttons just under the waistline, giving it a military flair. Can't believe I ever wore these to work!

3)Several pairs of shorts.

4)An acid-washed denim jumper with a high, tight waist. I remember wearing this on a date to a comdedy club in Philly, with a walk along the waterfront afterwards. I loved that jumper. Guess that's why I saved it.

5)One truly pretty outfit with a royal blue skirt in a silky fabric and an oriental-inspired wrap top in a matching print (same fabric).

6)A pretty black knit dress with long sleeves, an empire waist and a dirndl-style skirt falling from the waist, fuller at the bottom. This would be a great dress to dance in; it would flow with every movement.

And so, discontentment has been loosed from the box and into my world. I want to wear these clothes again, or at least be able to wear them. They'd look ridiculous out on the street in aught six, especially without the big permed hair to go with the shoulder pads.

I'd better take another look in the box. I think I may have packed hope back into it along with the clothes and sent the whole kit and caboodle back to the attic.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Followed By A Song

The song Landslide by Stevie Nicks seems to be following me these days. I heard it again last night just as I reached the end of a long wait in line. I don't believe in giving mystical power to happenstance, but I was a bit taken aback. I posted about this song back in July.

Hope the song can lull me back to sleep for an hour or so. I seem to fall asleep for a few hours, then wake up for a couple, mind in overdrive. I'm tired. A quiet weekend is just the ticket for me right now. Gotta make it through Friday first. An outing with the Breakfast Club should start the day off right. Pax, Zelda...see you at 8:00!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Quiet Place

This is one of my favorite places. I've only been there once, and I'm not sure whether or not I'll ever return. It's a forest in Sitka, Alaska. This is where I send my spirit when it needs rest. I keep prints of this picture at work and at home.


This week finds me at a loss for words. While I often cannot find just the right words, it's rare for me to find myself silenced. Right now, the words are locked in my heart, and my pen can't seem to set them free. I suspect that I am asking words to do something that words, no matter how fine, may never accomplish.

I think I'll rest a beat to refresh my heart. Maybe I'll find some wordless way to do what my poor, powerless pen cannot.